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One-on-one, in home tutoring for students in grades k-12. Assistance is provided to students based on classroom assignments and materials provided by ETM based on the common core curriculum. Currently subject areas include all types of math, reading, and language arts. Services will expand to other subject areas very soon.

Please note that Tutoring for Success is provided on a sliding scale to the families.

over 100

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Happy Clients Said About Our Service

Our Testimonials

“Virtual Tutoring”

Virtual tutoring is little bit good but sometimes issues happen but it gets fixed. My tutor is a good tutor. She always helps me with hard stuff. What I enjoy during the free times is playing games, watching YouTube, hanging out with my friends and family.


ETM Student

I chose to tutor because I understand the difficulties that can arise when certain teaching methods don’t align with certain learning styles. As a high school student, the learning adjustment was difficult for me and I was tutored because my learning style didn’t align with the teachers. As a tutor, I feel as if I am serving my due diligence by having the opportunity to do this since I had a tutor, and having one gave me lifetime skills to excel in my educational endeavors.


Emory U. Public Health graduate student

Before I turn 30 I want to learn 2 new languages (Spanish and French), live abroad for at least a year and earn my masters in curriculum and instruction. I also want to attain as much knowledge as I can about the field of education and provide better services and resources for black and brown children.

That is why I decided to tutor with Exceeding the Mark. I want to be the best teacher I can and truly learn how to teach individual learners which requires differentiating my instructional methods. Something I am able to practice and perfect as a tutor with this company.


Spelman College Early Childhood Education major

The tutor that you assigned Anthony is AWESOME! Anthony loves working with him.


Yvonne and Mica

Involved with ETM for 6 months

I have been impressed with the tutor’s ability to adapt to the current pandemic and still provide good support for Olivia. Her use of technology has been awesome.


Involved with ETM for 3+ years
“My son loves her!”

She is very nice and my son loves her!”



Involved with ETM for 6 months
“Very Proactive”

She’s very proactive in making sure Jayla understands her work.”



Involved with ETM for 5 months